
your plan provider business with 401k Enginuity-- the online, highly automated 401k system branded as your own and fueled with your proprietary investments. 401k Enginuity can offer highly efficient "self-service" 401k plans that your smaller plan sponsor clients run themselves, while it concurrently provides larger 401k plan sponsors with "full-service" administration run by your personnel.


each plan's sponsor and participant activity via integrated 401k Enginuity Provider, Sponsor, and Participant functions each professionally customized to the capabilities you and the particular 401k client request.


your staff and 401k clients with plan administration and participation accessible and fully operational with instantaneous processing 24 hours a day, seven days a week, from any location connected to the Internet.


the investments you desire. Include your proprietary offerings and/or self- directed brokerage accounts. If desired -- and keep 100% of any asset-based fees (and any other revenue you generate via 401k Enginuity).


back-office labor costs by 30% or more by switching to 401k Enginuity. Our web-based system grants your clients the option of easy to use, self-service 401k plan administration that can be highly affordable yet takes most small businesses less than 15 minutes a month


large and small 401k clients with affordably priced, full-featured, flexible 401k plans that funnel 401k contributions into the investments you choose to list within the system.